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WordPress Guide for beginners (Build Your Own WordPress Website)
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179 Pages
Book Contents
Registering The Website
It maight be easier to say what this guide isn’t, rather than what it is. It isn’t an in-depth look at every single function available within the WordPress dashboard. Nor is it a guide to help you develop or modify WordPress themes.
My aim is to create a simple WordPress manual that will help you to get an understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your site or blog updated.
If you’re looking for more in-depth knowledge, there are heaps of articles in the WordPress Codex that go into more detail. This is great if you want to get really involved in developing your own WordPress theme or modifying yoursite with plugins, but it can be a bit daunting for those users who just want a simple guide to using the Content Management side of Word Press or just need to update their site pages every so often
Worpress is an Open Source sof ware system used by millions of people around the world to create beautiful websites and blogs. It is completely customisable by the use of themes and plugins.
WordPress is a web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.”
Theme can be easily downloaded from the official WordPress site or from hundreds of other places around the web. The same goes with plugins, which are used to extend the functionality of your WordPress site. As well as being a fantastic blogging and content management system, one of the huge benefits is the wealth of information out there. There’s a great community of people behind the design & development of the WordPress system itself. People from all over the world contribute their time, knowledge and skill to keeping WordPress updated and secure.
There’s also a huge number of designers, developers & bloggers who share their, knowledge through blogposts, tutorials, reviews, videos and the creation of thousands of themes and plugins.
WordPress generates a staggering amount of websites. Infact, it powers most of the of the whole website as at the time of this Report! Everything from personal blogs to large corporate websites.
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