Happiness Is An Afterthought, Sadness Is An Afterthought. If you can Control your Thought, You Can Control Feelings
What You Will Discover In This Article
Happiness is a Feeling just as Sadness is. However, one of them represents Positivity while the other represents Negativity and Happiness is in no way Negative but Sadness is.
The above quotation does not mean you are being negative whenever you are sad but it can result to a negative influence on you and your environment. Nevertheless, if you learn How To Become Happy Whenever You Are Sad, you will have the power to control your feelings and limit or restrict the negative influence being sad can have on you.
There are numerous methods to apply and ensure your Happiness whenever you are sad and there are numerous circumstances you can apply those methods as well. The circumstance that led to your Sadness is what qualifies the method to apply.
Without much ado, let us explore the ultimate practical fundamental method of How To Become Happy Whenever You Are Sad before we explore the different circumstances that can lead to your Sadness and their different ultimate practices on How To Become Happy Whenever You Are Sad irrespective of the circumstance.
How To Become Happy Whenever You Are Sad Ultimate Practical Guide
Circumstances are neutral. For anything Feeling or Emotion to erupt, something must trigger it. The framework below describes how your personal world works.
- Your Experience creates your thought
- Your thoughts create your feelings.
- Your feelings create your actions.
- Your actions create your results.
With the Framework above, you can see that your thoughts create your feelings. This means all emotions are created in your mind because it is your Mind that you uses to create any kind of thought.
If you want to change how you feel, you need to change how you think.
To feel happy whenever you are sad, do the following:
- Come to the self-realization of the fact that you are feeling sad
- Identify the thought you’re having that’s causing you to feel that way.
- Take the decision that you want to feel happy.
- ask yourself what “what kind of thought can make you happy?”
- Create the new thought that will create that Happiness feeling
- Bridge the gap between what you’re thinking and what you want to think by practicing the new believable thought.
Your thought will definitely create the new feeling of Happiness and you will become Happy
The secret to feeling better is to intentionally choose and practice thoughts you believe instead of repeating the thoughts your brain has thought in the past.
If you cannot do this yourself, seek the help of a Life-Coach. That is why we exists.
Different Sadness Circumstances And The Different Methods to Apply To Become Happy
There are many circumstances that can lead to your Sadness,
Some of the circumstances includes but not limited to Heartbreak, Failure, lack of Job, lost of Job, lost of a loved One, lost of any valuables, Lack of Love, Lack of Social Amenities, Embarrassment, Rejection and so on.
Other Practical Methods You Can Apply To Become Happy Whenever You Are Sad
Just as there are many circumstances that can lead to your sadness, so as there are also many practical Methods on How to become happy whenever you are sad. The method that serves you more depends on your personality.
Below are other methods to apply and become happy whenever you are sad
Everybody is different, and everybody has different ways of dealing with pain, but if you’re looking for suggestions, you may find these helpful:
- Start imagining a Better Life
- Reach out to someone.
- Listen to Good music of your Choice.
- Play with pets/Kids.
- Go take a walk.
- Start Writing something creative.
- Take a nap.
- Watch old photograph Albums
- Watch Movies of your Choice. Funny ones are better
- Watch Comedy Skits
- Listen To Inspirational Audios
- 12 Read Good Books
- Carry out physical Exercise
- Play Video Game
- Have fun on Social Media
And most importantly, talk to a Life-Coach like me.
Sadness is inevitable but it is controllable. Do not leave your Happiness to chance. Work on Feelings and your Feelings will work on you.
Reading this Tutorial or any other Tutorial alone will not help you to become happy Whenever You Are Sad. It is the Application of what you read that can help you out in achieving what you seek.
I will like to have your opinion in the comment Box. Have You ever being sad? What’s the Circumstances? How did you handle it?
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