Getting To Know Me

Mikail Okoiye Audu is an outstanding Life coach, a creative Public Speaker, a versatile Resources Manager, an expert at I.C.T. a skilful Marketer/Salesman and a Fantastic and fascinating award winning Content Creator, Content-Writer, Copywriter, Story-Writer, Story-Teller and an Editor.
I’m an individual who does not believe that when the desirable is not available, the Available should be desirable. To me, when the desirable is not available, what is not in place should be put in place for the desirable to become available.
I started out early in my Coaching Career when I knew nothing about Coaching (not even the title). My driving force was my penchant for solving personal problems and the problems of other people.
I started out as a Life Coach after taking a Lifecoach courts at Universal Coaching Institute and later advanced my Coaching Career to other Coaching niches. Part of my Coaching service includes : Financial Coaching, Relationships Coaching, Financial Coaching, Business Coaching, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, Health Coaching, Transformational Coaching, Spiritual Coaching
Content Creation
My content creation skill is a trait I mentained from Childhood which turned out to be a Career for me in teenage years while at the University
I took Content creation courses that advanced me to become a Content-Writer, Copywriter, Story-Teller and an Editor. I have written for Radios, Videos, social Media, Print Media, Landing Pages and Web Pages about Nature, Tip, Technique, Technology, Tutorial, Transformation, Friendship, Family, Food, Faith, Fun and everything in between. I have authored many Books in many genres and currently working on the greatest Book that will ever exist on earth titled “Philosophical Psychology of Nature” an Encyclopedia that shall contain useful account of everything and anything nature
Resources management
Resources management is a Concept that was founded by me. It is a solution base concept that combines other multiple solution base concepts for the purpose of solving compound problems or satisfying a define desire that requires many concepts to get to it satisfaction.
The Resources I designed Resources Management to manage includes but not limited to: Skill Resources, Knowledge Resources, Connection Resources, Business Resources, Property Resources, Financial Resources, Idea Resources, Strength Resources, among other Human Resources, Organization Resources, Business Resources, Society Resources.
Public Speaking
We all have being speaking (unless you are dumb) and we will continue speaking (except you became dumb). It has being so since our birth and it will remain so until our death. One thing most of us are not doing is speaking publicly that is where the profession lies
Few years ago, I discovered that one of the most lucrative profession and the profession that is capable of effectively contribute to human life in an instant is talking. That was when I made the decision of taking a talking profession as a Public Speaker.
In my Speaking Career, I’ve spoken at different events from product launching, Lectures, Presentations, Parties, Executive Meetings among other Events
We Are All Marketers/Salespersons!
Irrespective of what you do or what do not do, they are all acts of Marketing/Selling. The difference between us in our different Marketing/Selling format is that some us are consciously intentional about our Marketing/Selling & getting paid while the rest of the world are unconsciously Marketing/Selling without getting paid
In my Marketing/Selling Career I’ve marketed/sold from digital Assets to Tangible assets in Real Estate, Automobile, Devices, Domestic and Industrial Equipment/materials and I’m still in the career doing more of the marketing/Selling
Information & Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Have you ever wondered what happens when you browse your favorite websites? How those attractive websites got the load up in your browser within a fraction of a seconds?
There is an epic journey happening every time you clicked that search button on your browser. It was my curiosity of how the Web works that made me venture into Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
From the moment I ventured into Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.), I’ve designed Websites and Blogs and I’ve taught others how to do so. I’ve created and managed Official Social Media Handles and I’ve taught others how to do so.
I’ve done a lot with I.C.T. and I don’t see myself stopping any moment soon